The newest generation about to come out in the 2024 preorder is 5.0 and introduce the new Inamorato male doll with larger more realistic size feet alternatives. For Inamorata here have been tiny changes to sculpture and joint mechanics in the Inamorata 5.0, but they do not affect measurements. The most visible differences are in the hip ball.
The 4.0 doll's torso is slightly longer than in 3.0 generation and the thigh circumference around the joint is 5mm thicker. The athletic body type of the newer generations (3.0 and 4.0) are more muscular and bootylicious than the petite body of the 1.0 and 2.0 generations. Wigs and shoes fit the same, bras and tops should fit, but the waist, thighs and booty have grown more substantial and fill old Sybarite fashions well.
The last images in the gallery are of the original 1.0 wax prototype and the first resin cast version of Inamorata doll dating all the way back to 2012.
If you want to read more about the history of Inamorata dolls, there is a 216 page hard cover art book celebrating the 10th anniversary on Inamorata dolls published in 2023.
