Each Inamorata has always come with a Certificate of Authenticity (COA) but due to the increasing number of fake dolls by re-casters flooding the market, so starting from 4.0 generation of Inamorata I began to add an 8-digit authentication code to each certificate and the matching code can be found inside the dolls head cap. There is also a wax seal ( hand carved by me) inside each head cap, gold wax for the OOAK dolls I have painted myself and purple wax for the dolls I've sold blank.
Inamorata are not sold via any other shop or website and if you buy one second hand, you can message me to confirm their authenticity before buying. I have a database of the new authentication numbers, but can also identify a doll based of photos.

Please support real doll artists ad help others understand how important it is for the community. Re-casting is a huge issue, not only because it robs the artists of their income and motivation to create new dolls, but also because people buy fakes without knowing it. Etsy has filled with recasts advertising themselves as real Popovy, Dollshe and myriad other dolls. Ebay and AliExpress have more fakes than real ones. In Japan second hand doll shops refuse to take in dolls without their original box and COA, but I doubt such anti recasting measures apply elsewhere. It's up to the doll community to choose whether it wants new beautiful creations or a desert of endlessly recycled recasts with creepy sunken eyes and joints oddly fitting from casting shrinkage.
I love my job as a doll artist and hope to continue doing it in a positive global community full of excited collectors and inspiring fellow artists who fill my days with beauty and wonder of art dolls. It is wonderful to be able to do something one loves as a career and I owe it all to you. Thank you for all your love and support over the years!